Invloed krijgen in de familie-dynamiek

Directors of family owned compagnies

Leading a family business

As a director, you face many challenges in managing the family business. In addition to the executive coaching that you can find with us for running the company, we have a different expertise. How does a family work well together? How can you improve the mutual relationships. Increase engagement with the company. Breaking imaging of the different stakes. Get back in touch with each other again.

Experience with family businesses

By being constantly challenged, our expertise in guiding family businesses has gone beyond the theoretical models. Our greatest skill lies in discussing the emotional ownership of the family business. To be able to put the mutual relationships openly on the table. To accommodate the pain and concern of any family member who feels involved.

It is our view that this should first be discussed before choices are made in the course, succession or sale.

Making legal decisions in advance without consultation is asking for problems that will have repercussions over the generations.

Strategisch Leiderschap

Visie vorming over de markt en uw bedrijf

Het bedrijf en familie in beweging zetten

Omgang met weerstanden 

Persoonlijk Leiderschap

Leiding geven aan het familiebedrijf

De dynamiek begrijpen

Eigen koers kunnen varen

Mediation in familymatters

Every family handles its property differently

The wealth regularly puts pressure on family ties

Executive Coaching

All work related issues

Do you want a sounding board?

Increase your clout and influence

Personal development


Reputation Management

Crisis communication



Guidance in the route to arrive at a successor

Take care of the other generation members

Family involvement and influence

You're welcome 
We invite you to contact us without obligation. 
Together we will investigate which guidance is best suited to your situation. 
Call Bart 0655735888 
Call Edward 0651990881 



Bart Maussen

Bart Maussen

Confidant and Coach

(1966) is vertrouwenspersoon, coach en woordvoerder van ondernemers, managers, bestuurders en hun families. Hij komt zelf uit een ondernemende familie en weet welk effect een familiebedrijf op de dynamiek binnen een familie kan hebben.

Edward Koldewijn

Edward Koldewijn

Confidant and Family Therapist

(1964) Edward komt uit een tuindersfamilie van moederskant en assurantieen van vaderskant. Zijn wieg stond in een flat in Amsterdam Osdorp. Zoon van de dominee.